Monday, January 28, 2013

Grandma's Sugar Cream Cake

Hello All!

I have been very busy the past week due to my parents being in town visiting.  I am ready to update you on all my baking and shoestring entertaining! 

I keep seeing recipes for butter cake on every website around lately.  My grandma makes something just like it, but she calls it Sugar Cream Cake.  It is to die for and VERY INEXPENSIVE!

This cake is perfect for last minute baking or a sugar fix (WARNING:  very sweet)

What You Need: 

1 yellow box cake 
1 Stick melted butter
3 Eggs
8 oz Cream Cheese
1 pound powdered sugar

How To Make:

1.Combine cake mix, melted butter, 1 beaten egg with a spoon and pour into a greased 
9 by 13 pan 

2. Beat cream cheese, powdered sugar, and 2 eggs with a mixer until smooth.  Poor over mixture in pan.  Sprinkle with nutmeg on the top

3. Bake dessert at 350 for 30 to 35 minutes. 

This is an oldie but goodie! Absolutely curbs that sugar craving! I love sugar and still think it is very rich so be careful not to cut the pieces large! 

ENJOY! I know you will love it! 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Rudolf Cake Pops

Hey Bloggers!

I know the holidays are behind us but I wanted to share one more cute dessert idea that you may be able to keep in the back of your mind for next year!  
For my family Christmas we have a wide range of ages so I wanted to make something that everyone would like.  Much easier said than done with a huge family!  I decided to make my red velvet cake balls and turn them into reindeers. I love the red velvet because nothing says Christmas more than a deep red! 

What you need for Rudolf to come to life:
 1 Large bag of white pipe cleaners
Red candies: Red hots or red M&M's
White round decorating candies ( Anything small will work)
Clear cellophane paper

This project is so personalized you can use anything and make it look great!  It's about the love and effort behind the cake pop that matters the most!

How to make Rudolf:
1. After dipping the cake ball in melted candy coating and placing it on wax paper you will want to immediately go around it with a toothpick to cut off the extra candy coating drippings.  

2.Place a stick in the top of the cake ball.  Put the eyes on and the red candy for the nose.  Make sure you do this right away so the candy coating is still warm to hold the eyes and nose in place.  The candy coating dries almost immediately so you won't need to hold the nose for long to make sure it doesn't slop down.

3. Once all the reindeers are done cut the cellophane paper into squares.  Place the cake pop in the center of one square and pull the paper up around it and the pipecleaner will secure it at the top.

4. Take the pipe cleaner and cut them in half. On each end of the cut pipe cleaner twist on a scrap piece on each end to make the antlers.  You can make them as small of big as you want. 

Take the center of the pipe cleaner and wrap it around the front of the pop and wrap it around the back to secure to cellophane wrapping. The antlers will end of up on the opposite sides and feel free to make them stick up or out to the sides.

This is a fun project to do with family or just to take your mind of the crazy world especially during the holidays! 

Thanks for stopping by!