Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Extras!!!

Living on a budget doesn't have to be colorless!

I absolutely love decorating for every single holiday and you can be practical with decorating.  I need to save money for life, but entertaining is more than just having your friends over. It includes your house or apartment atmosphere.  

I have spiced up my apartment with old Halloween decorations and some kitchen towels and aprons to bring the spooky spirit to my living space.  

You can put towels out that are orange or maybe orange candy.  These are cheap ways to bring your dinner party to life.  My mom recently sent me an apron for Haloween and I decided to put it on an extra chair to bring some color to the dining area.  

You can buy cheap candles, candy or towels to spruce up the holidays when entertaining so you can focus on spending money on the food!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Egg Cupcakes

Happy Fall Bloggers!!

Lately I have found myself becoming more lazy in the morning and just wanting to eat right away so I had to accommodate my early morning hunger!  My mom use to make "Egg cupcakes" years ago and I decided it was time to bring them back into my life.  I am trying to eat a more balanced diet and this is a great way to start out the day!

You can make these with anything you would like but this is how I made them..


What You Need:

Egg Beaters

Canadian Bacon



Hot Sauce

How It works:

1. Combine in a large bowl all the ingredients you would like to have in your eggs.  

2. Add the Hot sauce and Spices last just to insure you don't go overboard!!

3. Measure out 1/3 of a cup of the egg mixture into a greased cupcake pan

4. Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes.
 (These will rise but don't worry once out of the oven they will plop right down)

You can make this a project with morning guests and have each person make their own personalized egg cupcake or you can make a lot and freeze them like I do.  

This is a super easy way to warm breakfast up in the morning and a money saver! 

Enjoy your egg cupcakes!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

No Bake Chocoholic Cookies

Hello Friends!

Since I have been living in Los Angeles for a couple of months now I realize that the weather is always perfect!  This time of the year for me usually means boots and sweatshirts, but now I am still in shorts and tank tops!  I wanted to bake some cookies for some of my friends, but didn't want to turn on the oven.  

I decided to whip up a batch of No Bake cookies.  What a great way to keep my apartment cool.. and remind me of my younger years.  Nothing says old school quite like No Bake chocolate cookies!

What You Need: 
·         2 cups sugar
·         4 tablespoons cocoa
·         1 stick butter
·         1/2 cup milk
·         1 cup peanut butter
·         1 tablespoon vanilla
·         3 cups oatmeal

 1. In a sauce pan combine the Sugar, Cocoa, butter, and milk.  You will want to stir this so 
nothing burns.

2. Bring the combination to a boil and the trick is to let it boil for 2 or 3 minutes.

3. Take mixture off the heat and let set for a minute and then add the Peanut Butter, Vanilla, and Oatmeal.  

4. once all combined, make cookies as big or small as you would like and drop them on wax paper. I like to make my cookies big so I can tell myself I only ate  one cookie..I think it is a great chocoholic cooping mechanism  

*Trick* cookies will set faster if you put in the freezer or refrigerate right away.  

I don't have any baking bags to put the cookies in for my friends so I decided to use some parchment paper and ribbon from the scrap booking bag.  I also added a touch of sparkle with the miniature rhinestones.  Nothing says old school like bedazzling! 

This was a very cheap and easy way to show my friends I was thinking about them and appreciate them. 

This is also a great idea for party favors to give to the guests as they leave!

Enjoy the Chocolate and Rhinestones! Perfect combination in my book!