Tuesday, December 4, 2012

~ Easy Chip Dip ~

Hello all!

I hope everyone had a fabulous and filling Thanksgiving! I know I ate way too much! 

While I was home I got my baking and cooking fix in.  I made a very simple dip for my brother to enjoy on our time off. I want to share it with you before Christmas hits so if you are in need of a quick chip dip you can use this. This dip can be very spicy or mild all depending on your taste buds!

What You Need:
2 packages Cream Cheese
1 Can Rotel 
1 Pound of Sausage 

1. Cook the sausage until it is brown and separated into small pieces. 

2. Add cooked meat to a bowl with the undrained can of Rotel and cream cheese and mix together. Stir until cream cheese is melted.

3. Poor into a 9 by 9 greased pan and cook on 350 for 30 minutes. Let sit for ten minutes after taking out of the oven

 This couldn't be easier and very delicious.  If you have extras keep them for left overs. This is great warmed up also!    

Enjoy the Chip Dip

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