Monday, August 27, 2012

Dinner On A String ...Or Noodle

Hello Entertainers!

I don't know about you but does it seem like EVERYONE is getting married these days???  I know A LOT of my friends are engaged, or soon to be.  I just returned from one of my friends wedding in Chicago.  Traveling can get to be so expensive by the time you add in the airfare, food, and hotel!  I am finally back home in LA and wanted to catch up with one of my closest girlfriends, but since I just spend a good chunk of money on traveling I need to watch my bank account.  

One of my specialties is cooking and who doesn't have snacks ready for when guests come over?? I love Southern hospitality even though I am from the Midwest.  My way of showing people I care for them or appreciate them is to cook/bake for them. 

I am making dinner for my girlfriend tonight to catch up on life and our non-existent love lives! Like I said before I need to keep it cheap, but still delicious so I decided on the traditional spaghetti.  This is extremely cheap to make given that it only takes a few ingredients to whip up.  The only ingredients I had to buy were... 

1. Pasta
2. Meatballs
3. Marinara 
(I already have parmesan cheese and spices to amp up the meal)

My friend is bringing over Garlic bread since I am doing the cooking and entertaining.  This is a great idea to incorporate into your entertaining especially if you are on a budget.  Work out a plan with your friends that they will bring one item for dinner or to the event as a gift to you since you are cooking and hosting the dinner.  (this may seem very obvious but a lot of younger adults don't always know the proper etiquette)   

This is a very simple meal that everyone probably already knows how to make, but a great option for a small or big group of friends on a budget.  

*Tip*Sometimes I add in a can of spicy tomatoes or Italian style to add a little flavor, but I forgot them at the store! I just added in a little red pepper flakes  to get the same effect! 

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