Monday, September 10, 2012

Drug Of Choice..COFFEE!!

You know what I have come to love more and more these days??  I love iced coffee!!   I am not a huge coffee drinker because I would prefer to have brownies or some sort of chocolate in the morning to wake me up.  If you don't know this already,  I am addicted to sugar and it is my favorite food group!  My mom tells me I am just like my great grandmother, I see nothing wrong with that!!  

I have recently been getting sick from chocolate and sugar that I eat so I have to change around my morning routine a bit... I am not happy about this,  but it is for the better.  I am going to have iced coffee in the mornings to fill my sweet cravings and also wake me up.  I start my new "real grown up job" tomorrow at 7am so I will need something to jump start my day!  

I have tried to make iced coffee for a while now at home and I just thought I would never really understand how Starbucks does it.  I can't get the skinny vanilla latte to taste the same out of my kitchen!  I decided since I am on a budget it was time to tackle the task! I can save so much money by making my own latte at home than spending 4 to five dollars a day going to Starbucks!

I looked up some recipes that look simple, but I had to experiment myself or else I knew I wouldn't be satisfied. I got the Starbucks Dark Caffe Verona.  Iced coffee needs to have a dark roast because other wise its too weak and won't taste right.  I tried the light roast and all I could taste was the milk!

1.  I brewed the coffee like it said on the package and let it cool in the fridge over night.  

2. I filled my cup half with coffee and half with milk. (I use the almond milk because I am Lactose intolerant when it          
comes to milk) 

3. I added a teaspoon of vanilla extract 

4. Mix in sugar or Splenda, your preference.  I like sweet things so I added two to three Splendas. 

I am happy to say this satisfies my craving for now until I get addicted to coffee then I will need to think of another solution for my body!!  

Let me know if you have any tips about making iced coffee at home!!!

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